Monday, March 28, 2011

DIY Desk and coffee table

I love hairpin legs. Full Stop. And now, thanks to this post over at Silvia Song, I know I am going to own either a coffee table, or desk with them one day. Seriously, how dead-easy does this look?

All you need is the surface and you can pick up the hairpin legs in a host of different sizes over at,
Hairpin Legs. Too easy.

For Me For You

Check out these shots from
Silvia Song's coffee table...


  1. Wow, this is fabulous! Who knew you could make your own?? I also LOVE hairpin legs. Well, that's next weekend sorted. ;)

  2. love this. also think the thin armed lounge in the background is great! are those books colour coded on the shelves? dayle

  3. Dayle, I'm with you on the couch. Urban Outfitters have a ridiculously cheap lounge, pretty similar to this one. Problem is, they won't ship it to Oz.


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